
Showing posts from 2009

Undeserved Light

As the sun goes down, and night encroaches. Darkness settles over all mankind within its reaches. A paradoxical reminder of the wickedness of this world, Evil, depicted in all its darkness and bleakness. The hours are long and human hope has failed. The resolve of all has melted away. It is then that attention is turned from the darkness of illusion, To the reality of an ensuing new day. Here it comes, marching forward unrelentingly. Time for the night to retreat. Slipping away with each passing minute, The dark night with all its blackness recedes. Rapidly it gives way to the steady intrusion Of the dawn of expansive light. Completely banishing the darkness, By its commanding presence, sustained by His Mighty Might! And so once again, peace, tranquility, and calm serenity, Begin to settle on all creation. A faithful reminder of the loyalty of the Creator, To shine His light on all nations. Copyrig


Reality is a word which means different things to different people. That which is real to one person, may not be real to another. And that brings us to the underlying foundation. Who, or what, qualifies reality. Who is to say what is real? Or what thing in our world of human existence makes something real. Is what is real or reality relative? In other words, can reality be defined according to the way we think about it? But then it would be relative to the way we think or to our responses toward it. And that brings us to the “it” we are calling reality. If there is reality, then what is the opposite of reality? Would we call it imaginary or unreal? Some of us have been taught that anything unseen is not real but imaginary. Of course that reasoning does not always support our attitude toward reality. For example, the law of gravity is very much in existence, but entirely unseen. Dare we say that the law of gravity is not real? The law of gravity is the force that constantly exercises a


April 11, 2009 “We the People” Ladies and Gentlemen; we are here today in recognition of the profound upheaval that is taking place in our country. And from that perspective we gather here today, not just as Texans, not just as Democrats, not just as Republicans, or as any one party or political affiliation. We are gathering here today to accept and exercise our privilege, indeed our responsibility, as citizens of this great country, our great country, to faithfully execute the office of our citizenship, and to the best of our ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America. For years, our U.S. Constitution has come increasingly under the assault by those who seek to reduce its value, its purpose, and its protection. If we idly stand by and say nothing, how long will this great document constructed by our heroic founding fathers survive? How long will we continue to enjoy the freedom and liberty for which others have fought and died? M