April 11, 2009

“We the People”

Ladies and Gentlemen; we are here today in recognition of the profound upheaval that is taking place in our country. And from that perspective we gather here today, not just as Texans, not just as Democrats, not just as Republicans, or as any one party or political affiliation. We are gathering here today to accept and exercise our privilege, indeed our responsibility, as citizens of this great country, our great country, to faithfully execute the office of our citizenship, and to the best of our ability, to preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

For years, our U.S. Constitution has come increasingly under the assault by those who seek to reduce its value, its purpose, and its protection. If we idly stand by and say nothing, how long will this great document constructed by our heroic founding fathers survive? How long will we continue to enjoy the freedom and liberty for which others have fought and died?

My fellow citizens, we have a choice today. Do we want to be one nation under God? Or do we want to be one nation going under? We do not apologize for our heritage as a “Christian nation.” We do not seek ways to delete God or His Christ from our history whether past or present. We seek not to invent laws or regulations that prevent us from worshiping God, or from mentioning His name whether in public or private, whether on radio or television, or whether in newspapers or magazines. We do not go on a mission to eradicate His influence nor His name from our institutions, our laws, our statutes, or our monuments in the name of being politically correct in efforts not to offend anyone. Have we become so blinded by materialism, humanism, new age thinking, or socialism as to begin believing that God had nothing to do with the prosperity and development of this great nation? And do we have the right to expect Him to continue to bless us and prosper our nation if we continue to be lukewarm and do nothing? We should be humbling ourselves in “sackcloth and ashes” and fasting and praying and repenting like the people of that great city of Nineveh mentioned in the Old Testament to whom Jonah the prophet preached and warned.

We must never allow our government to become all things to us as some sort of replacement for God. If this is what we are determined to do; then let’s remove “In God We Trust” from our monies. Let’s stop using the Bible to swear in our Presidents. Let’s stop proclaiming national days of prayer.

Why is it so important to some of our leaders now to disengage our national Christian heritage? Why should we be ashamed of this national history? Yes, there are those who would rewrite the history books in an attempt to root out Christianity. Yes, there are those who would promote socialism and government as the answer to our national and societal problems. And it is to this type of statist solution that we passionately and vehemently oppose.

Now is the time, today is the day to unify for the purpose of taking our nation back from big government! Wake up Americans! America isn’t going to just run on auto-pilot any longer. It is no longer the duty of politicians alone, no longer the duty of military leaders alone, no longer the duty of judges alone, to preserve, protect, and defend our freedom and our liberties. No, it is my duty, your duty, our duty to stop this expansion of government. – Stop the encroachment of the Federal Government upon our states’ sovereignty. The Federal Government exists to serve the states! Indeed, it was created by the states and placed into existence through the states ratification for the purpose of ensuring our freedoms and our liberties. Its power in essence, is a power derived from the people, of the people, by the people, and for the people. Have we forgotten this principle so cherished by those early American settlers who knew what it meant to suffer under a government that was too involved in their lives? The natural progression of this type of expansionist government has always resulted in the establishment of oppressive and restrictive regimes.

Therefore let us join today for our common duty. And what duty is that? Ronald Reagan stated in a speech given in 1961, that we have a duty to write our respective governing leaders and demand that they represent our will for the good of the country. Today we can do that very thing either by land-mail, email, phone calls, or faxes. And never has there been a more important time for our leaders to hear from us. Friends, we are in danger in this present time of losing our national heritage. A heritage that has its foundation solidified in the United States Constitution. We must maintain our great freedom and liberty provided for in this historic document crafted by those early freedom loving and freedom seeking leaders. One way we could do this is to organize together in a grassroots movement across the country to confront our leaders in Washington and to insist, yes even require them make a special trip to our states to hear us out. After all they are our employees; they work for us, we the people. We need to have a public meeting where leaders from Washington not only hear the people speak, but actually commit to do the same thing we are doing in preserving, protecting, and defending the U.S. Constitution. We need to hear them reassert their pledge to uphold the Constitution and do it in such a way as to be proactive like our founding fathers; Not reactive to us wielding a big stick. Now of course, we have many fine and outstanding public servants in office and in Washington. And my hat is off to them for fighting valiantly as some have in the past few months. We are speaking about those who seek to subvert our Constitution whether they are in the judicial, legislative, or executive branches. We must let these types of leaders know how displeased we are and that they are not going to get away without being held accountable for the votes they cast and for the policies they propound that weaken our nation. We have leaders who are not proud of our heritage and who disgrace our country when they are apologizing to other countries for our past international and foreign policies. We must let them know we are displeased that many leaders in government are attempting to trample on our Constitution by allowing judicial legislation from the bench to void the First Amendment concerning Freedom of Speech and the Second Amendment concerning the Right to Bear Arms and Defend ourselves and our property. My fellow Americans, if we, as citizens are remiss in our duty to hold these governmental leaders responsible to uphold the United States Constitution, how can we expect our leaders to take us seriously? For too long, we have enjoyed the fruits of other’s labor. For too long, we as citizens of the greatest nation on the planet, have shunned our duty to serve on juries, vote in elections, run for office, and put God fearing candidates in office whose allegiance is first to Him, second to their families, and third to their fellow countrymen. If we continue to allow the types of people with the character that looks nothing like the character of our founding fathers to assume office and run rough shod over the will of the people as they systematically dismantle capitalism, thwart free speech, devalue the dollar with a willingness, at the behest of foreign nations, to throw our currency under the bus, attempt to reinstate the Fairness Doctrine so that we cannot criticize their unconstitutional approaches to governing, if we allow all these things with our excuse of not wanting to get involved in our government, then God help us as a nation. Our days are numbered.

Friends, the buck stops with us. And until we shoulder the blame for either electing these officials or not being involved enough to oversee their actions; we do not have any excuse to complain about the sorry direction our nation has headed. It’s a sad day when we have leaders in government who do not have the character within themselves to have a proper fear of government and the wisdom to always be on guard for any influences that would lead them to dismantle the checks and balances built into the Constitution that would hold them accountable. It seems the only motivation they have to do what is constitutionally right is when we the people call them out and pressure them to do the right thing for our country. Was this the character our founding fathers had on board when they envisioned and set out to create a government of the people, by the people, and for the people? We need to change direction. We must embrace a direction that leads us back to our God fearing national heritage and get serious about our duty to honor the Constitution. If our government leaders in Washington do not honor the Constitution in ways that support its purposes, then it remains our duty to bring about change. And when we say change, we do not mean the type of change from Washington that has resulted in demeaning our United States Constitution and endangering our country. We mean change that enhances our freedom and our liberty to be protected from the rule of government tyranny.

We need to remember the words of the late honorable Barbara Jordan of Houston when on July 25, 1974; she gave a speech reminding her colleagues about the Constitutional basis for impeachment of a President for attempting to subvert the Constitution. This same principle should apply to all our governmental leaders who treat the Constitution disrespectfully and dishonorably by refusing to preserve, protect, and defend it.

Today, we begin in earnest with a grassroots movement starting right here in Tyler, Texas to regain our national heritage! Today, we unite as “we the people” in our mission to take back this country!

And in closing, may we recognize and confidently assert our right and indeed our responsibility, to not only say the words, “In God We Trust,” but that we actually do it, so that we can live as “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty, and justice for all” - May God bless Texas, and these United States of America. Thank you.

©April 2009 – Davy D Hobson

All rights reserved.

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